HFM Asset Management Power Warning
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Reducing Your Capacity Charges in WA

With our risk based notification system - utilising WA electricity grid forecast data in conjunction with local weather forecast.

How it works

On your electricity bills, thousands of dollars each year are made up from capacity charges. Capacity charges are calculated on how much power you are using during peak demand times. We warn you if one of these peak demand times is today or tomorrow. If you can reduce your power usage during peak demand times, your share for the entire year will be reduced. Saving you thousands!

What are capacity charges

The capacity charge is one of the components that makes up your business electricity charges each month. The charge is in place by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to ensure that there is sufficient generation capacity in the Western Power electricity network during peak demand times.

Typically, the middle of the hot season is when the electricity grid is at peak demand. The 12 highest peak demand intervals on the grid are recorded and then used for calculating your capacity charges for the year. The capacity charge year starts on October 1st each year.

If you can reduce your site capacity during these 12 peak demand periods, you can reduce your capacity costs. A 50% reduction in your average capacity would mean a 50% reduction in your capacity costs.

Capacity costs are only a portion of the bill. For unbundled business tariffs, the average capacity cost equates to 5-7 cents per unit of power used accross the entire year.

What we do exactly

Integrate with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to capture the electricity network load information for the primary electricity grid in Western Australia.
Integrate with localised weather stations to obtain current and forecasted weather.
Collect and store historical patterns and correlations from both data sources - being the electricity network and weather stations - to make forecasts on the likelihood your business may is about to experience an upcoming annual capacity reading interval.
When we detect when your business is at risk, we send out alerts to all your key personnel. This alert will show the level of exposure your business faces today and tomorrow. Alerts are categorised into medium, high and extreme risks so your business can implement appropriate action plans and make informed decisions based on the appropriate risk level.
The primary purpose of the system is to help your businesses reduce the annual capacity charges on your electricity bills.

Live Data Chart

System Features

Automatically load 30 minute interval network load forecast data from market operator into software platform, as published daily.
Display network load forecast data
Dealer customers client access
Allow manual configuration of alarm thresholds (e.g. max temperature, max MW grid loading)
Allow setting of notification alerts for 'Forecast Today Maximum Network Load' and 'Forecast Tomorrow Maximum Network Load'
Multi-channel notifications (e.g. email and push) to dealers and customers
White Labelled using your company's look and feel
Multiple levels of risk rating for alerts (medium, high, extreme)

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